online proceedings of the Eleventh mediterranean morphology meeting mmm11 (Nicosia) 22-25 June 2017
Edited by Nikos Koutsoukos, Jenny Audring, Francesca Masini
Date of Publication: 2018
ISSN: 1826-7491
Université Catholique de Louvain | University of Leiden | University of Bologna
The full volume and the single papers are available through the MMM Online Proceedings Platform
Table of contents
- Cover & Frontpage
- Table of contents, Foreword & Abstracts
- Laurie Bauer: Metonymy and the semantics of word-formation
- Edwige Dugas: Constraints on the French [non-N] construction
- Angeliki Efthymiou: A morphosemantic investigation of diminutive verbs in French and Modern Greek
- Katrin Hein, Stefan Engelberg: Morphological variation: the case of productivity in German compound formation
- M. Silvia Micheli: Number inflection in AN and NA Italian compounds
- Sabrina Piccinin, Serena Dal Maso, Hélène Giraudo: Formal variation does not affect morphological processing: evidence from Italian
- Gergana Popova: English Compounds with ing-form heads
- Madeleine Voga, Georgia Nikolaou, Anna Anastassiadis-Symeonidis: Conceptual salience of prefixes in L2 acquisition and processing: a reading-time study within context
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