Caricamento Eventi

Conference of the Burney Society

St Chad’s College, Durham University, 4-6 July 2016

Burney and Popular Entertainments: the business of pleasure in Late-Georgian Britain

Proposals are invited for 20 minute papers on the subject of ‘Burney and Popular Entertainments: the business of pleasure in Late-Georgian Britain

Frances Burney grew up at the centre of a vibrant metropolitan cultural scene, and was part of a network of musicians, writers, actors and artists whose careers depended on a culture of consumption, both imaginative and material. This was the world she evoked in her novels, plays and journals and this conference builds on the movement
in Burney scholarship toward greater contextualisation of her work. The conference centres around entertainment, with the conference programme itself featuring a range of entertainments, including an excursion to a site of local interest, and the world premiere of Burney’s play Love and Fashion, which will be performed by Durham Student Theatre. The conference’s keynote address will be given by Harriet Guest, Professor Emerita of Eighteenth-Century Literature at the University of York.

Papers should address the work of Burney and/or members of her circle, with potential topics including (but not limited to):

  • Burney and the Theatre
  • Public Spaces (such as Parks, Gardens, Assembly Rooms, the Seaside)
  • Private Entertainments
  • Commercial Entertainments
  • Shopping/Consumer Culture/Fashion
  • Tourism
  • The Promenade
  • Curiosity/Spectacle

Abstract of no more than 250 words should be sent as an email attachment in MS Word document format to Francesca Saggini ( and . You should also include a 250 word biographical statement. Please use your surname as the document title. The abstract should be sent in the following format: (1) Title (2) Presenter(s) (3) Institutional affiliation (4) Email (5) Abstract (6) Biog.

The deadline for receipt of all proposals is January 31, 2016. We will attempt to notify all correspondents before February 28 regarding the status of their submission.

A small number of travel bursaries will be available for postgraduate students presenting at the conference. Applications are invited from research students registered on a programme of postgraduate study on the date of the conference. Please indicate at time of submission if you wish to be considered for one of these, stating your affiliation and level of study, and include a brief statement of how attendance at the conference would be of benefit to your research project.

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