The following publications are related to Construction Morphology
last updated 4 maY 2021
Ackerman, Farrell, James P. Blevins & Robert Malouf. 2009. Parts and wholes: Implicative patterns in inflectional paradigms. Analogy in grammar, ed. by J.P. Blevins & J. Blevins, 54-82. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ackerman, Farrell, Paul Kay & Mary Catherine O’Connor. 2014. Charles Fillmore. Obituary. Language 90.755-61.
Ackermann, Tanja. 2019. Possessive -s in German. Development, variation and theoretical status. Morphological Variation. Theoretical and empirical perspectives, ed. by A. Dammel & O. Schallert, 27-62. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Akita, Kimi. 2012. Register-specific morphophonological constructions in Japanese. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 38.1-17.
Akita, Kimi & Natsuko Tsujimura. 2016. Mimetics. Handbook of Japanese lexicon and word formation, ed. by T. Kageyama & H. Kishimoto, 133-60. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Akita, Timi & Takeshi Usuki. 2016. A constructional account of the optional ‘quotative’ marking on Japanese mimetics. Journal of Linguistics 52.245-75.
Almeida Simões Neto, Natival. 2020. Do latim –entus ao português –ento: uma leitura morfossemântica orientada pela morfologia construcional. Revista do GELNE 22.336-35.
Almeida Simões Neto, Natival & Juliana Soledade. 2018. Nomes masculinos X-son na antroponímia brasileira: uma abordagem morfológica, histórica e construcional. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem 26.1295-350.
Almeida Simões Neto, Natival & Antonia Vieira dos Santos. 2020. A categoria semântica de agente humano em compostos [VN]N do português: uma leitura orientada pela Morfologia Construcional. Língua em Movimento: História e Funcionamento das Línguas Naturais, ed. by C. Figueiredo, J.L. Gayer, L.T.d. Sousa & C.F. Pinto, 313-32. Salvador: Editora da Universidade Federal de Bahia.
Altakhaineh, Abdel Rahman Mitib. 2016. Identifying Arabic compounds other than the Synthetic Genitive Construction. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63.277-98.
—. 2018. Identifying N+N compounding in Modern Standard Arabic and Jordanian Arabic. Studia Linguistica.1-38.
—. 2019. A cross-linguistic perspective on the Right-Hand Head Rule: the rule and the exceptions. Linguistics Vanguard.
Amiot, Dany. 2005. Between compounding and derivation: elements of word formation corresponding to prepositions. Morphology and its demarcations, ed. by W.U. Dressler, D. Kastovsky, O.E. Pfeiffer & F. Rainer, 81-96. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Amiot, Dany & Delphine Tribout. 2018. De-adjectival human nouns in French. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 201-17. Cham: Springer.
Angster, Marco. 2012. Le marche di coreferenza contrastiva nella formazione delle parole. Una panoramica delle lingue d’Europa. Pavia: Universitá degli Studi di Pavia.
Anthonissen, Lynn, Astrid De Wit & Tanja Mortelmans. 2019. (Inter)subjective uses of the Dutch progressive constructions. Linguistics 57.1111–59.
Appah, Clement Kwamina Insiadoo. 2015. On the syntactic category of Akan compounds. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 62.361-94.
—. 2016. Akan verb-noun compounds. Italian Journal of Linguistics 28.3-24.
—. 2016. Noun-Adjective compounds in Akan. Lingue e linguaggio 25.259-84.
—. 2016. On holistic properties of morphological constructions: the case of Akan verb–verb nominal compounds. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia.1-25.
—. 2017. Exocentric compounds in Akan. Word Structure 10.137-72.
—. 2017. Personal Attribute Nominals in Akan: A Constructionist Perspective. Logon Journal of the Humanities 27.49-72.
—. 2017. Personal Attribute Nominals in Akan: A Constructionist Perspective1. Legon Journal of the Humanities 28.49-72.
—. 2019. Analytical issues in the study of verb-noun compounds: How does Akan fit in? Acta Linguistica Hungarica 66.1-29.
Appah, Clement Kwamina Insiadoo, Reginald Akuoko Duah & Obádélé Kambon. 2017. Akan noun–verb nominal compounds: The exocentric synthetic view. Language Sciences 64.1-15.
Arcodia, Giorgio F. 2011. A Construction Morphology account of derivation in Mandarin Chinese. Morphology 21.89-130.
—. 2013. Lexical derivation in Mandarin Chinese Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.
—. 2014. Diachrony and the polysemy of derivational affixes. Morphology and meaning. Selected papers of the 15th International Morphology Meeting, 2012, ed. by F. Rainer, F. Gardani, H. Luschützky & W.U. Dressler, 127-40. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.
—. 2018. Coordinating nominal compounds: Universal vs. areal tendencies. Linguistics 56.1197–243.
Arcodia, Giorgio F. & Bianca Basciano. 2018. The Construction Morphology analysis of Chinese word formation. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 219-53. Cham: Springer.
Arcodia, Giorgio F. & Catarina Mauri. 2019. Exemplar-based compounds: The case of Chinese. Language Sciences in press,
Arcodia, Giorgio F. & Isa Sari. 2018. Towards a typology of coordinating compounds in Turkish. Folia Linguistica 52.319-49.
Arista, Javier Martin. 2014. Noun layers in Old English: Mismatches and asymmetry in lexical derivation. Nordic Journal of English Studies 13.160-87.
Arkadiev, Peter. 2019. Vydrin, Valentin F., Yulia V. Mazurova, Andrej A. Kibrik, Elena B. Markus (eds.). 2017. Jazyki mira. Jazyki mande [Languages of the World. The Mande Languages]. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 40.149-61.
Arkadiev, Peter & Francesco Gardani. 2020. Introduction: The Complexities of Morphology. The Complexities of Morphology, ed. by P. Arkadiev & F. Gardani, 1-19. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Arkan, Fazaeh & Ali Safari. 2017. An_Analysis_of_Persian_Compound_Nouns_as_Constructions. Iranian_Journal_of_Applied_Language_Studies 9.33-58.
Arnaud, Pierre J. L. 2015. Noun-noun compounds in French. Morphology. An international handbook of the languages of Europe, ed. by P.O. Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen & F. Rainer, 67-687. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
—. 2016. L’analogie dans la dénomination binominale des concepts combinatoires en français. Language Design 18.93-108.
Arnaud, Pierre J. L. & Vincent Renner. 2014. English and French [NN]N lexical units: A categorial, morphological and semantic comparison. Word Structure 7.1-28.
Arndt-Lappe, Sabine. 2015. Word-formation and analogy. HSK Word Formation. An international handbook of the languages of Europe, ed. by P.O. Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen & F. Rainer, 822-41. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Arndt-Lappe, Sabine & Mirjam Ernestus. 2020. Morpho-phonological alternations: The role of lexical storage. Word knowledge and word usage, ed. by V. Pirrelli, I. Plag & W.U. Dressler, 191-227. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Ascoop, Kirstin. 2005. Affixoidhungrig? Skitbra! Status und Gebrauch von Affixoiden im Deutschen und Schwedischen. Germanistische Mitteilungen 65.17-28.
Ascoop, Kristin & Torsten Leuschner. 2006. Affixoidhungrig? Skitbra! Comparing affixoids in Swedish and German. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 59.241-52.
Asudeh, Ash, Mary Dalrymple & Ida Toivonen. 2013. Constructions with lexical integrity. Journal of Language Modelling 1.1-54.
Audring, Jenny. 2019. Mothers or sisters? The encoding of morphological knowledge. Word Structure 12.274-96.
Audring, Jenny & Geert Booij. 2005. Constructional licensing in morphology and syntax. Proceedings of The Fifth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Fréjus, France, 15-18 September, 2005, ed. by G. Booij, L. Ducceschi, B. Fradin, E. Guevara, A. Ralli & S. Scalise. Bologna: University of Bologna.
—. 2016. Cooperation and coercion. Linguistics 54.617-37.
Audring, Jenny, Geert Booij & Ray Jackendoff. 2017. Menscheln, kibbelen, sparkle: Verbal diminutives between grammar and lexicon. Linguistics in the Netherlands 2017, ed. by B. Le Bruyn & S. Lestrade. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Baayen, R. Harald, Yu-Ying Chang & James P. Blevins. 2018. Inflectional morphology with linear mappings. The Mental Lexicon 13.230-68.
Badrulhisham, Heikal. 2019. Formulaicity of affixes in Turkish: Simon Fraser University.
Baeskow, Heike. 2017. #Virtual Lexicality. The semantics of innovative prefixed verbal anglicisms in German. Word Structure 10.173-203.
Bagasheva, Alexandra. 2015. On verbocentric nominal compounds denoting humans in Bulgarian. Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 12.74-104.
—. 2015. Paradigmatic word-formation, metonymy and compound verbs in English and Bulgarian. MMM9 Online Proceedings: Morphology and semantics, ed. by J. Audring, N. Koutsoukos, F. Masini & I. Raffaelli, 1-111. Patras: Dept. of Linguistics, U Patras.
Baker, Brett J. 2014. Incorporation in Wubuy. Selected papers from the 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society 2013, ed. by L. Gawne & J. Vaughan, 231-60. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.
—. 2018. Super-complexity and the status of ‘word’ in Gunwinyguan languages of Australia. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 255-86. Cham: Springer.
Ballier, Nicolas. 2015. “Phrasal compounds” and the discourse/lexicology interface: “conglomeration” within the French tradition of English lexicology. Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 12.115-41.
Baló, Márton András. 2015. The nominal morphology of Lovari from an analogical perspective. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 62.395-414.
Bamshadi, Parsa & Davari Ardakani. Negar. 2020. A Constructional Cognitive Approach to the Persian Suffix ‘-ar’. Language Related Research 11.736-.
Barrena Jurado, Alejandro. 2019. A study on the ‘wordgasm’: the nature of blends’ splinters. Lexis. Journal in English Lexicology 14.1-49.
Barδdal, Jóhanna. 2008. Productivity: Evidence from case and argument structure in Icelandic Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Barδdal, Jóhanna, Kristian Emil Kristoffersen & Andreas Sveen. 2011. West-Scandinavian transitives as a family of constructions. With a special attention to the Norwegian V-REFL-NP construction. Linguistics 49.53-104.
Battefeld, Malte, Torsten Leuschner & Gudrun Rawoens. 2017. Konstruktionsmorphologie – echt top? Neue Perspektiven auf den kategorialen Status einer entlehnten Wortbildungseinheit. Wortbildung im Deutschen. Aktuelle Perspektiven, ed. by E. Hentschel, 280-308. Tübingen: Narr Franck Attempto Verlag.
—. 2018. Evaluative morphology’ in German, Dutch and Swedish: Constructional networks and the loci of change. Category change from a constructional perspective, ed. by K. Van Goethem, M. Norde, E. Coussé & G. Vanderbauwhede, 229-62. Amsterdam/Phildelphia: John Benjamins.
Bauer, Laurie. 2019. Compounds and multi-word expressions in English. Complex lexical units. Compounds and multi-word expressions, ed. by B. Schlücker, 45-68. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Beck, David & Igor Mel’cuk. 2011. Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology. Linguistics 49.175-228.
Behrens, Bergljot, Monique Flecken & Mary Carroll. 2013. Progressive Attraction: On the Use and Grammaticalization of Progressive Aspect in Dutch, Norwegian, and German. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 25.95-136.
Berg, Thomas. 2015. Locating affixes on the lexicon-grammar continuum Cognitive Linguistic Studies 2.150-80.
Bergmann, Pia. 2018. Morphologisch komplexe Wörter: Prosodische Struktur und phonetische Realisierung. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Beuls, Katrien. 2012. Inflectional patterns as constructions. Spanish verb morphology in Fluid Construction Grammar. Constructions and Frames 4.231-52.
Bittner, Andreas & Klaus-Michael Köpcke. 2016. Motivierungsstrategien und Schemabildung. Überlegungen zur schematischen Strukturierung von Flexionssystemen am Beispiel der Pluralbildung im Deutschen. Regularität und Irregularität, ed. by A. Bittner & K.-M. Köpcke, 47-78. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Blevins, James P. 2006. Word-based morphology. Journal of Linguistics 42.531-73.
—. 2009. Case and declensional paradigms. The Oxford Handbook of Case, ed. by A. Malchukov & A. Spencer, 200-18. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—. 2016. Word and paradigm morphology Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Blevins, James P., Farrell Ackerman & Robert Malouf. 2019. Word and paradigm morphology. The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory, ed. by J. Audring & F. Masini, 265-84. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Blom, Corrien. 2004. On the diachrony of complex predicates in Dutch: Predicative and non-predicative preverbs. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 16.1-75.
—. 2005. Complex predicates in Dutch. Synchrony and diachrony Utrecht: LOT.
—. 2005. The demarcation of morphology and syntax: A diachronic perspective on particle verbs. Morphology and its demarcations, ed. by W.U. Dressler, D. Kastovsky, O.E. Pfeiffer & F. Rainer, 53-66. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Blom, Corrien & Geert Booij. 2003. The diachrony of complex predicates in Dutch: a case study in grammaticalization. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 50.61-91.
Blom, Elma. 2019. Morphological theory and first language acquisition. The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory, ed. by J. Audring & F. Masini, 511-21. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Boas, Hans C. 2014. Lexical and phrasal approaches to argument structure: Two sides of the same coin. Theoretical Linguistics 40.89-112.
Bobkova, Natalia & Fabio Montermini. 2020. Suffix rivalry in Russian: what low frequency words tell us. MMM 12 Online Proceedings, ed. by J. Audring, N. Koutsoukos & C. Manouilidou, 1-17. Patras.
Bogaards, Maarten. 2019. A Mandarin map for Dutch durativity. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24.157-93.
—. 2020. Beyond Progressive Aspect/ On situational PPs, boundary effectuation and the Dutch preposition aan. Leiden: Leiden.
Boholm, Max. 2016. The use and meaning of nano in American English: Towards a systematic description. Ampersand 3.163-73.
Bonami, Olivier. 2015. Periphrasis as collocation. Morphology 25.63-110.
Bonami, Olivier, Gilbert Boyé, Georgette Dal, Hélène Giraudo & Fiammetta Namer (eds) 2018. The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Bonami, Olivier & Berthold Crysmann. 2016. Morphology in constraint-based lexicalist approaches to grammar. The Cambridge handbook of morphology, ed. by A. Hippisley & G.S. Stump, 609-56. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bonami, Olivier & Jana Strnadová. 2019. Paradigm structure and predictability in derivational morphology. Morphology 29.167-98.
Booij, Geert. 2002. Constructional idioms, morphology, and the Dutch lexicon. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 14.301-27.
—. 2004. De aan het infinitief-constructie in het Nederlands. Taeldeman, man van de taal, schatbewaarder van de taal, ed. by J.d. Caluwe, M. Devos, G.d. Schutter & J.v. Keymeulen, 97-106. Gent: Academia Press.
—. 2005. Compounding and derivation: evidence for Construction Morphology. Morphology and its demarcations, ed. by W.U. Dressler, D. Kastovsky, O.E. Pfeiffer & F. Rainer, 109-32. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
—. 2005. Constructional idioms and periphrasis: the progressive construction in Dutch. Paradigms and periphrasis ed. by F. Ackerman, J.P. Blevins & G.S. Stump, 54-78. Stanford: CSLI.
—. 2005. Construction-dependent morphology. Lingue e linguaggio 4.31-46.
—. 2005. Morphology and the tripartite parallel architecture of the grammar. La formazione delle parole, ed. by M. Grossman & A.-M. Thornton, 109-25. Roma: Bulzoni.
—. 2007. Polysemy and construction morphology. Leven met woorden, ed. by F. Moerdijk, A.v. Santen & R. Tempelaars, 355-64. Leiden: Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie.
—. 2008. Composition et morphologie des constructions. La composition dans une perspective typologique, ed. by D. Amiot, 49-73. Artois: Artois Presses Université.
—. 2008. Construction morphology and the lexicon. Selected proceedings of the 5th Décembrettes: Morphology in Toulouse, ed. by F. Montermini, G. Boyé & N. Hathout, 34-44. Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
—. 2008. Constructional idioms as products of language change: the aan het + infinitive construction in Dutch. Construction grammar and language change, ed. by A. Bergs & G. Diewald, 79-104. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
—. 2008. Pseudo-incorporation in Dutch. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 46.3-26.
—. 2009. Compounding and construction morphology. The Oxford Handbook of Compounding, ed. by R. Lieber & P. Štekauer, 201-16. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—. 2009. A constructional analysis of quasi-incorporation. Gengo Kenkyu 135.5-27.
—. 2009. Hoofdzaken. Fons Verborum, ed. by E.B.e. al., 351-58. Leiden / Amsterdam: Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie / Gopher.
—. 2009. La morphologie constructionelle, un apercu. La morphologie lexicale: Un domaine autonome de la grammaire?, ed. by J. Francois, 13-32. Leuven: Editions Peeters.
—. 2009. Lexical integrity as a morphological universal, a constructionist view. Universals of language today, ed. by S. Scalise, E. Magni & A. Bisetto, 83-100. Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media.
—. 2009. Phrasal names: a constructionist analysis. Word Structure 3.219-40.
—. 2010. Compound construction: schemas or analogy? A Construction Morphology perspective. Cross-disciplinary issues in compounding, ed. by S. Scalise & I. Vogel, 93-108. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
—. 2010. Construction morphology. Language and Linguistics Compass 4.543-55.
—. 2010. Construction morphology Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—. 2010. Constructions and lexical units: an analysis of Dutch numerals. New impulses in word-formation, ed. by S. Olsen, 81-100. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
—. 2011. Morpheme structure constraints. The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, ed. by M. Van Oostendorp, C. Ewen, E. Hume & K. Rice, 2049-70. Oxford: Blackwell.
—. 2012. Constructiemorfologie als onderzoeksparadigma. Nederlandse Taalkunde 17.326-39.
—. 2012. Construction Morphology and the interaction of syntax and word formation. Los limites de la morfologia. Estudios ofrecidos a Soledad Varela Ortega., ed. by A. Fabrégas, E. Felíu Arquiola, J. Martín & J. Pazó, 105-13. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
—. 2013. Morphology in CxG. The Oxford handbook of Construction Grammar, ed. by T. Hoffmann & G. Trousdale, 255-73. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—. 2014. Language use and the architecture of grammar. Suvremena lingvistika (Contemporary linguistics) 40.192-212.
—. 2015. The nominalization of Dutch particle verbs: schema unification and second order schemas. Nederlandse Taalkunde 20.285-314.
—. 2015. Review of Sharon Inkelas, The interplay of morphology and phonology. (Oxford Surveys in Syntax and Morphology, 8) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Morphology 25.267-70.
—. 2015. Word formation in Construction Grammar. Word formation. An international handbook of the languages of Europe, ed. by P.O. Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen & F. Rainer, 188-202. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
—. 2016. Construction morphology. The Cambridge Handbook of Morphological Theory, ed. by A. Hippisley & G.T. Stump, 424-48. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
—. 2016. Dutch. Word formation. An international handbook of the languages of Europe, ed. by P.O. Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen & F. Rainer, 2427-50. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter Mouton.
—. 2017. Construction Morphology. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (ed.) M. Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press.
—. 2017. The construction of words. The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, ed. by B. Dancygier, 229-46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
—. 2017. Inheritance and motivation in Construction Morphology. Defaults in morphological theory, ed. by N. Gisborne & A. Hippisley, 18-39. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
— (ed.) 2018. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology (Studies in Morphology 4). Dordrecht: Springer.
—. 2018. The construction of words: Introduction and overview’. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 3-18. Dordrecht: Springer.
—. 2018. Phonology and the Dutch-Polish connection. A personal memoir. Phonology, fieldwork and generalizations, ed. by B. Czaplicki, B. Łukaszewicz & M. Opalińska, 13-25. Berlin etc.: Peter Lang.
—. 2019. Compounds and multi-word expressions in Dutch. Complex lexical units. Compounds and multi-word expressions, ed. by B. Schlücker, 95-126. Berlin: De Gruyter.
—. 2019. The role of schemas in Construction Morphology. Word Structure 12.385-95.
—. 2020. Principles of word formation. The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics, ed. by R.B. Page & M.T. Putnam, 238-58. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
Booij, Geert & Jenny Audring. 2007. Uitgezwaaid en aangezwaaid. Participiumconstructies in het Nederlands. Nederlandse Taalkunde 12.52-62.
—. 2017. Construction morphology and the Parallel Architecture of grammar. Cognitive Science 41.277-302.
—. 2018. Category change in Construction Morphology. Category change from a constructional perspective, ed. by K. Van Goethem, M. Norde, E. Coussé & G. Vanderbauwhede, 209-28. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
—. 2018. Partial motivation, multiple motivation, and the role of output schemas. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 59-80. Dordrecht: Springer.
Booij, Geert & Matthias Hüning. 2014. Affixoids and constructional idioms. Extending the scope of Construction Grammar, ed. by R. Boogaart, T. Colleman & G. Rutten, 77-105. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Booij, Geert & Francesca Masini. 2015. The role of second order schemas in the construction of complex words. Semantics of complex words, ed. by L. Bauer, L. Körtvélyessy & P. Stekauer, 47-66. Cham etc.: Springer.
Booij, Geert & Ariane Van Santen. 2017. Morfologie. De woordstructuur van het Nederlands. 3rd edition Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Bosque, Ignazio. 2012. On the Lexical Integrity Hypothesis and its (in)accurate predictions. Iberia. An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 4.
Bossuyt, Tom. 2019. Oppassen geblazen. Over vormelijke, semantische en historische aspecten van de Nederlandse geblazen-constructie. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24.259–90.
—. 2020. Oppassen geblazen. Over vormelijke, semantische en historische aspecten van de Nederlandse geblazen-constructie. Nederlandse Taalkunde 24.259–90.
Bouma, Gerlof & Jonas Kuhn. 2009. On the split nature of the Dutch laten-causative. Proceedings of the LFG09 Conference, ed. by M. Butt & T. Holloway-King, 168-87. Stanford: CSLI.
Breed, Adri & Frank Brisard. 2015. Postulêre werkwoorde as progressieve merkers in Afrikaans en Nederlands. Internationale Neerlandistiek 53.3-28.
Breed, Adri, Frank Brisard & Ben Verhoeven. 2017. Periphrastic progressive constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans: A contrastive analysis. Journal of Germanic Linguisitcs 29.305-78.
Breed, Adri & Gerhard Van Huyssteen. 2014. Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: die ontstaan en ontwikkeling (1). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 54.708-25.
—. 2015. Aan die en besig in Afrikaanse progressiwiteitskonstruksies: ’n korpusondersoek (2). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 55.253-69.
Breul, Carsten. 2011. On English and German resultative and causative-resultative derived verbs. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 47.732-57.
—. 2020. A lexicalist and word-based approach to the semantic composition of German and English clauses in the perfect. Linguistische Berichte.
Bruno, Jone. 2012. The assignment of grammatical and inherent gender to English loan words in Lithuanian discourse. ITB Journal 22.46-90.
Bundgaard, Peer F., Svend Ostergaard & Frederik Stjernfelt. 2006. Waterproof fire stations? Conceptual schemata and cognitive operations involved in compound constructions. Semiotica 16.363-93.
Butler, Anneke. 2016. Die deelwoord as ‘n ánder vorm van die werkwoord. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 56.81-101.
Bybee, Joan. 2013. Usage-based theory and exemplar representations of constructions. The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar, ed. by T. Hoffmann & G. Trousdale, 49-69. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Caballero, Gabriela & Sharon Inkelas. 2013. Optimal construction morphology: tracing an optimal path through the lexicon. Morphology 23.103-44.
—. 2018. A construction-based approach to multiple exponence. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 111-39. Cham: Springer.
Cacchiani, Silvia. 2017. Cognitive motivation in English complex intensifying adjectives. Lexis. Journal in English Lexicology 10.1-21.
Callies, Marcus. 2016. Of soundscapes, talkathons and shopaholics: On the status of a new type of formative in English (and beyond). STUF 69.495-516.
Cappelle, Bert. 2017. What’s pragmatics doing outside constructions? Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line, ed. by I. Depraetere & R. Salkie, 115-51. Dordrecht: Springer.
Caselli, Naomi K., Michael K. Caselli & Ariel M. Cohen-Goldberg. 2016. Inflected words in production: Evidence for a morphologically rich lexicon. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69.432-54.
Cetnarowska, Bozena. 2015. The lexical/phrasal status of Polish Noun+Adjective or Noun+Noun combinations and the relevance of coordination as a diagnostic test. Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 12.142-70.
—. 2018. Phrasal names in Polish: A+N, N+A and N+N units. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 287-313. Cham: Springer.
—. 2019. Compounds and multi-word expressions in Polish. Complex lexical units. Compounds and multi-word expressions, ed. by B. Schlücker, 279-306. Berlin: De Guyter.
—. 2020. Competition between synthetic NN compounds and NN.GEN phrasal nouns in Polish: Semantic niches, hapax legomena and low-level construction schemas. Complex words. Advances in morphology, ed. by L. Körtvélyessy & P. Stekauer, 241-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chen, Jidong. 2006. The acquisition of verb compounding in Mandarin. Constructions in acquisition, ed. by E. Clark & B.F. Kelly. Stanford Calif.: CSLI Publications.
Chen, Yi-Ting & Yo Matsumoto. 2018. Nihongo Goi-teki Hukugoo-doosi-no Imi-to Taikei: Konsutorakusyon-keitairon-to Hureemu-imiron (The Semantics and Organization of Japanese Lexical Compound Verbs: Construction Morphology and Frame Semantics) Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Ching-yu Depner, Shelly. 2019. Statistical Internet Based Analysis of the Affixoid -ma in Modern Mandarin Chinese. Computación y Sistemas 23.1533-40.
Chua, Deborah. 2019. Comparative alternation in y-adjectives: insights from self-paced reading. Language and Cognition.1-30.
Cifuentes Honrubia, José Luis. 2020. Anaphora and Subjectification in Lexicalized Feminine Clitic Constructions. Catalan Journal of Linguistics.61-91.
Cohn, Neil. 2018. Combinatorial morphology in sign languages. The construction of words. Advances in Construction Morphology, ed. by G. Booij, 141-72. Cham: Springer.
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