È con molto piacere che vi annunciamo la seconda edizione degli incontri IDEAR, che si terrà quest’anno accademico da novembre 2013 a maggio 2014.
Il primo incontro è dedicato a presentare il progetto “E-LOCAL FOR ALL: Un progetto europeo per l’apprendimento delle lingue”, coordinato dal collega Andrea Ceccherelli.
La discussione sarà animata dai membri di IDEAR. L’incontro si terrà mercoledì 13 novembre alle ore 15.30 in Sala Giunta, LILEC.
Pubblichiamo qui l’abstract di presentazione sperando di vedervi numerosi:
The purpose of “E-LOCAL for all” is to valorise the results of the E-LOCAL project by carrying out large-scale activities of dissemination and exploitation.
E-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages) is a project developed from 2010 to 2012 by a consortium of HEIs and secondary schools coordinated by the University of Bologna. The project aimed at promoting multilingualism through the implementation of an online learning environment for 6 less widely used languages: Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Portuguese. The E-LOCAL courses were designed specifically for mobility students and focused on the concomitant acquisition of cultural competence and linguistic skills at breakthrough level, conveying the message that integration, even in a temporary mobility experience, always entails learning local language and culture.
Whereas the core activity of E-LOCAL was the implementation of online learning materials and their testing by a limited number of pilot users, this project meets the need to accompany and direct the systematization of the use of those courses with a view to maximizing their long-term impact. The concrete objective of “E-LOCAL for all” is to expand considerably the user base and to explore new forms of exploitation, both inside and outside the partnership, both with and without e-tutoring, thus providing examples of best practice for long-term exploitation.
The core outcome of this project consists in the submission of the E-LOCAL courses to a high number of students: more than 200.000 people will be reached in the initial phase, and we can envisage that some thousands of them will enrol and take the courses autonomously, with a Web2.0-based support in a dedicated Facebook group; a fundamental innovation lies in the pilot sessions with the assistance of e-tutors, which will permit to evaluate the advantages of this form of exploitation in terms of motivations and proficiency.
The E-LOCAL courses are available on http://e-localcourses.unibo.it