
Erasmus Darwin, Galvanism, and the Principle of Life

Raffaella Simili The preface to the first edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) opens with the following words : "the event on which this fiction is founded has been supposed by Dr. Darwin and some of the physiological writers of Germany as not of impossible occurence" [SHELLEY M. 1993, p. 3]1. [...]


The Presence of Godwin and Wollstonecraft in the Shelleys’ History of a Six Tour[1]

Stuart Curran [T]hough Switzerland is the country which for severale years I have been particularly desirous to visit, I do not feel inclined to ramble any further this years.         [Mary Wollstonecraft, Letters Written [..] in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796), letter 25 (the last)] [...] [B]idding adieu to Switzerland, we embarked on a boat [...]


Romantic Irony, Metadrama and the Demonic

Rather than wrestle in the abstract with the concepts «Romantic Irony» and «Metadrama», I will begin with two examples, modern and ancient, in order to triangulate the direction that I wish to pursue in the drama of the Romantic era. The modern example is Tom Stoppard’s Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (1977). The ancient example [...]


“Trade and Poesy” in Moore’s Lalla Rookh: an oriental romance

For some time now we have recognized that the «eastern» or «oriental» verse narratives of the early nineteenth century were more than just popular, fashionable entertainment.Writing broadly about the phenomenon of Romantic orientalism in 1994, Marilyn Butler observed that as «Britain transformed itself into an Empire […] orientalizing poets […] imagined such empires as lightly [...]


Olympe de Gouges o il teatro autoreferenziale

«Je suis mon ouvrage» Olympe de Gourges Franca Zanelli Quarantini Un mese dopo l’esecuzione di Olympe de Gouges, avvenuta il 3 novembre 1793 in Place de la Concorde, il giudice di pace Nicolas Thilly, recatosi nell’abitazione della defunta per stendere l’inventario della carte giacenti, si trovò di fronte a un’imponente quantità di manoscritti, varia corrispondenza, [...]


Verdi e Shakespeare. La forza di un comune destino europeo

  La Questione Romantica > Musica/Letteratura Federica Troisi Chi trova che io non conoscevo Shakespeare quando scrissi il Macbeth [...] Oh, in questo hanno un gran torto! [...] E’ un poeta di mia predilezione, che ho avuto fra le mani dalla mia prima gioventù e che leggo e rileggo continuamente.1 1. Nota preliminare  Le celebrazioni [...]

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